Oliver's Blog

January 23rd 2008 HAPPY 2nd Birthday, Oliver Richard Burke HAPPY 2ND BIR THDA Y, OLIVER It's hard to believe but Oliver just celebrated his 2nd birthday on January 23rd 2008. How time flies. On January 20th 2008, we threw a party for him, inviting friends and family. These are some photos of Oliver on the day Photos of the party are coming up soon.......stay tuned. January 2007 Well 2006 came and went quickly. It's hard to believe Oliver is about to celebrate his first birthday on January 23rd. He is crawling at lightening speed and pulling himself up on furninture. It's only a matter of time before he'll be on his feet walking around. Last month, Oliver celebrated his first Christmas with his family, including Nonnie and Poppo. Here are some photos taken of Oliver and the family leading up to Christmas and the n ew year of 2007. More photos to come after the birthday party May 2006 Yeah I know it's been ages since I updated this blog, and many people have been remi...